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英文片名Stand Alone
中文片名孤军奋战 (1985) 
类型动作, 剧情
文件大小 21.69 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080p
音轨 英语 DTS-HDMA 2.0
字幕 英文

◎译  名 孤军奋战 / 义勇擒凶
◎片  名 Stand Alone
◎年  代 1985
◎产  地 美国
◎类  别 剧情 / 动作
◎语  言 英语
◎上映日期 1985
◎豆瓣链接 https://movie.douban.com/subject/5048520/
◎片  长 94 分钟
◎导  演 艾兰·比蒂 / Alan Beattie
◎演  员 查尔斯·德恩 / Charles Durning
      帕姆·格里尔 / Pam Grier
      詹姆斯·基彻 / James Keach
      鲍勃·祖迪克 / Bob Tzudiker
      Duane Tucker Duane Tucker
      威拉德·E·普 / Willard E. Pugh
      小托马斯·罗萨莱斯 / Thomas Rosales Jr.
      伯特·莱姆森 / Bert Remsen
      杰瑞·里德 / Jerry Reed
      Alan Abelew Alan Abelew
      Joe Alfasa Joe Alfasa
      Cory 'Bumper' Yothers Cory 'Bumper' Yothers
      Luis Contreras Luis Contreras
      罗伯特·科瓦吕比亚 / Robert Covarrubias
      Al Christy Al Christy
      露·莱纳德 / Lu Leonard
◎制  片  人 Tamar Simon Hoffs Tamar Simon Hoffs
      Fabien D. Tordjmann Fabien D. Tordjmann
◎摄  影 蒂姆·苏尔斯泰特 / Tim Suhrstedt
      汤姆·里士满 / Tom Richmond
◎剪  辑 Fabien D. Tordjmann Fabien D. Tordjmann
◎化  妆 Pamela Peitzman Pamela Peitzman
      June Brickman June Brickman
◎副  导  演 弗莱德·巴隆 / Fred Baron

◎简  介 

  couple things about this film.  First of all, this is a perfect example of box art misrepresentation.
  Notice our hero on the front cover.  Anyone at all familiar with Charles Durning knows that the
  guy on the cover bears only a vague resemblance at best.  Perhaps in his youth Durning may've
  had a build like that.  Certainly not at the time this film was made.  Not only has the actor got
  a good hundred pounds on the artist's rendition, he's got twenty years on him too.  Durning
  was sixty two when he made this film.  Even at forty two, he wasn't in that kind of shape.
  The real crime here is that Durning is perfectly suited for the role he's playing.  This isn't
  just some guy who's had enough and turned vigilante.  Stand Alone is the story of a WWII
  veteran who is in the twilight of his life and finds himself having to decide whether to
  live in relative safety as a coward or to fight the way he would have as a young man.  So you see,
  it's actually a good thing that Durning is old and out of shape because that's exactly how
  the character would be in real life.  Durning is perfectly believable in the role and makes
  something special out of what would otherwise have been just another Death Wish knockoff.
  Secondly, for those not familiar with  the distributor who released the VHS
  from which this was ripped, Starmaker specialized in EP  productions.  Meaning that this
  is far from the best source material to work with.  Not the worst mind you but it does
  leave much to be desired.  Anyone with a better quality print, I'd be happy to see it.