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英文片名BBC Michael Palin's New Europe
中文片名迈克.柏林新欧洲游记 (2007) 
文件大小 15.28 GB, HDTV RiP 720p
文件格式 MKV/x264
音轨 英语 AC3 5.1
字幕 简中

【片      名】BBC Michael Palin's New Europe
【译      名】BBC 迈克.柏林新欧洲游记
【国      家】英国
【类      别】纪录片
【年      代】2007
【语      言】英语




Episode 1: War and Peace 战争与和平

访问国家:(东南欧)斯洛文尼亚, 克罗地亚, 波斯尼亚, 塞尔比亚, 阿尔巴尼亚
In Medjugoree Michael encounters a visionary who first started having
visitations from the Virgin Mary 25 years ago. In Dubrovnik he meets with lute
maestro Edin Karamazov who made the recent 'Songs from the Labyrinth' album
with Sting. Michael ends this visit with a sheep sacrifice which heralds an
afternoon of music and hospitality typically Balkan.

Episode 2: Eastern Delight 东方欢乐颂

访问国家:(东欧/近东)马其顿, 保加利亚, 土耳其
Michael makes a remarkable visit to G?reme, where the rocks have been carved to form homes
and some of the most remarkable churches of the early Christian era. Leaving the Cappodocia
region by balloon, he sails east towards the borders of the New Europe, which if Turkey were
to join the European Union would include Iran, Iraq and Syria.

Episode 3: Wild East 狂野的东方

访问国家:(东欧)第聂河沿岸国家, 罗马尼亚
Michael travels from Transdniester, a breakaway state from the Republic of
Moldova, to the Vaser Valley in Romania, where he joins 80 lumberjacks as they
board a wood-fired steam train. He finally ends up at Bran Castle in
Transylvania, the ancestral home of Vlad the Impaler and alleged home of Bram
Stoker's Dracula.

Episode 4: Danube to dnieper 从多瑙河到第聂伯河

访问国家:(东/中欧)乌克兰, 匈牙利
Michael travels by road, rail and river through Hungary and the Ukraine,
ending in the Black Sea resort of Yalta. Along the way he visits Budapest's
'House of Terror', a National Park in Hortobagy, an area which Attila the Hun
was reputed to have rampaged across, and ends up meeting a Leeds market trader
who married the Ukranian prime minister's daughter.

Episode 5: Baltic Summer 波罗的海之夏

访问国家:(东/中欧)爱沙尼亚, 拉脱维亚, 立陶宛, 俄罗斯
Michael travels from Tallinn in the north, through Latvia, to Lithuania in the
south, sailing into the Baltic from the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad,
formerly East Prussia. In Estonia he visits a pyramid house and samples the
medicinal properties of leeches. In Latvia he visits one of the most secretive
places of the Communist-era, the astronomical telescope.

Episode 6: From Pole to pole 极地之旅

Arriving in Gdansk via canal, Michael meets former electrician Lech Walesa who
formed 'Solidarity', Poland's first independent trade union, which led to the
demise of communism in that country. Heading to Warsaw he visits the Palace of
Culture, Stalin's controversial gift to Varsovians. Michael then makes his own
personal pilgrimage to Auschwitz.

Episode 7: Journey's End 结束旅途

访问国家:(东/中欧)斯洛罚克, 捷克, 德国
High in the Tatra mountains of Slovakia, Michael skins a pig, and learns how
to make sausages. He then departs to Brno to visit Tibor Turba's famous mime
school, where he is asked to mime a cockerel. Travelling in a DC3, used
during the Berlin airlift, he visits the island of Rugen, built by Hitler for
his KDF ('Strength through Joy') programme.