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中文片名空中飞人 (1956) 
类型剧情, 爱情
文件大小 21.19 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080p
音轨 英语 DTS-HDMA 1.0
字幕 无字幕

◎译  名 空中飞人 / 马戏千秋(港) / 空中飞人(台) / 空中吊架
◎片  名 Trapeze
◎年  代 1956
◎产  地 美国
◎类  别 剧情
◎语  言 英语 / 意大利语
◎上映日期 1956-05-30(美国)
◎豆瓣链接 https://movie.douban.com/subject/1297390/
◎片  长 105分钟
◎导  演 卡罗尔·里德 / Carol Reed
◎演  员 伯特·兰卡斯特 / Burt Lancaster
      托尼·柯蒂斯 / Tony Curtis
      吉娜·劳洛勃丽吉达 / Gina Lollobrigida
      凯蒂·乔拉杜 / Katy Jurado
      托马斯·戈梅斯 / Thomas Gomez
      Johnny Puleo Johnny Puleo
      迈纳·沃森 / Minor Watson
      Gérard Landry Gérard Landry
      让-皮埃尔·凯里安 / Jean-Pierre Kérien
      希德·詹姆斯 / Sid James
      伽米尔·拉提卜 / Gamil Ratib
      Pierre Tabard Pierre Tabard
      Fay Alexander Fay Alexander
      塞尔日·本托 / Serge Bento
      保罗·博尼法 / Paul Bonifas
      罗兰·凯里 / Roland Carey
      Henri Coutet Henri Coutet
      于贝尔·德拉帕朗 / Hubert de Lapparent
      保罗·费弗尔 / Paul Faivre
      加布丽埃勒·丰坦 / Gabrielle Fontan
      爱德华·弗朗科姆 / Édouard Francomme
      Willy Krause Willy Krause
      Sylvain Levignac Sylvain Levignac
      Mylos Mylos
      Guy Provost Guy Provost
      Joe Warfield Joe Warfield
      Achille Zavatta Achille Zavatta
◎编  剧 马克斯·卡托 / Max Catto
      利亚姆·奥布莱恩 / Liam O'Brien
      詹姆斯·R·韦布 / James R. Webb
      本·赫克特 / Ben Hecht
      沃尔夫·曼考维兹 / Wolf Mankowitz
      连姆·奥布赖恩 / Liam O'Brien
◎制  片  人 哈罗德·赫克特 / Harold Hecht
      伯特·兰卡斯特 / Burt Lancaster
      詹姆斯·希尔 / James Hill
◎音  乐 马尔科姆·阿诺德 / Malcolm Arnold
◎摄  影 罗伯特·克拉斯克尔 / Robert Krasker
◎服  装 维涅罗·科拉桑蒂 / Veniero Colasanti
◎视觉特效 Walter Castle Walter Castle

◎简  介 

  Mike Ribble was once a great trapeze artist - and the only to have completed a triple somersault - before his accident. Tino joins the circus, and manages to covince Mike to teach him the 'triple'. Meanwhile Lola, a tumbler, wants to get in on the act. Written by Colin Tinto {[email protected]}
  Tino Orsini has learned the trapeze from his father but he travels to Europe to seek out Mike Ribble, one of the few men who has managed to complete a triple somersault. Ribble no longer works the trapeze and now walks with a cane after a nasty fall left him a cripple. Orsini convinces him to act as his catcher and all is well until the gold digging Lola, who'll do just about anything to become part of a major circus act, arrives on the scene. Her presence creates friction between the two men and puts in doubt whether Tino will ever accomplish the elusive triple. Written by garykmcd
  Mike Ribble was the sixth trapeze artist ever to complete an almost impossible triple somersault. Naturally gifted Tino Orsini wants to be the seventh, if he can only persuade a retired Ribble to teach him how and to be his catcher. Ribble retired from the high flying following his trapeze accident, which not only broke his body - he now walks with a limp and a cane - but more importantly his spirit. Orsini's enthusiasm eventually brings Ribble's spirit back to life. "Ribble & Orsini" become the talk of the circus as they work on the triple somersault. However, Lola, a acrobat in the same circus, will do whatever she needs to do to make sure the circus spotlight is solely on her. Written by Huggo


  第6届柏林国际电影节 (1956)
  银熊奖 最佳男演员 伯特·兰卡斯特