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英文片名The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers - The Complete Recordings
中文片名蓝光纯音乐 (2002) 
文件大小 20.28 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080p
音轨 DTS-HDMA 5.1
字幕 无字幕

The final film in the Lord Of The Rings blockbuster trilogy features the climax of the epic journey that brought Tolkien's world before our very eyes. The Complete Recordings series featuring the soundtrack albums have been hits and award winners. Now with The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King featuring Into The West by Annie Lennox, this album from the series' composer Howard Shore is sure to score with movie fans. For fans of The Lord Of The Rings films, and those who purchased last year's The Fellowship Of The Ring The Complete Recordings and The Two Towers The Complete Recordings, this incredible package completes a now classic set of soundtracks.

01. Roots and Beginnings (Advanced Resolution Surround)
02. Journey to the Cross-roads (Advanced Resolution Surround)
03. The Road to Isengard (Advanced Resolution Surround)
04. The Foot of Orthanc (Advanced Resolution Surround)
05. Return to Edoras (Advanced Resolution Surround)
06. The Chalice Passed (Advanced Resolution Surround)
07. The Green Dragon (feat. Billy Boyd and Dominic Monaghan) [Advanced Resolution Surround]
08. Gollum's Villainy (Advanced Resolution Surround)
09. Éowyn's Dream (Advanced Resolution Surround)
10. The Palantír (Advanced Resolution Surround)
11. Flight from Edoras (Advanced Resolution Surround)
12. The Grace of Undómiel (feat. Renée Fleming) [Advanced Resolution Surround]
13. The Eyes of the White Tower (Advanced Resolution Surround)
14. A Coronal of Silver and Gold (Advanced Resolution Surround)
15. The Lighting of the Beacons (Advanced Resolution Surround)
16. Osgiliath Invaded (feat. Ben del Maestro) [Advanced Resolution Surround]
17. The Stairs of Cirith Ungol (Advanced Resolution Surround)
18. Allegiance to Denethor (Advanced Resolution Surround)
19. The Sacrifice of Faramir (feat. Billy Boyd Performing "The Edge of Night") [Advanced Resolution Surr
20. The Parting of Sam and Frodo (Advanced Resolution Surround)
21. Marshalling at Dunharrow (Advanced Resolution Surround)
22. Andúril - Flame of the West (Advanced Resolution Surround)
23. The Passing of the Grey Company (Advanced Resolution Surround)
24. Dwimorberg - The Haunted Mountain (Advanced Resolution Surround)
25. Master Meriadoc, Swordthain (Advanced Resolution Surround)
26. The Paths of the Dead (Advanced Resolution Surround)
27. The Siege of Gondor (Advanced Resolution Surround)
28. Shelob's Lair (Advanced Resolution Surround)
29. Merry's Simple Courage (Advanced Resolution Surround)
30. Grond - The Hammer of the Underworld (Advanced Resolution Surround)
31. Shelob the Great (Advanced Resolution Surround)
32. The Tomb of the Stewards (Advanced Resolution Surround)
33. The Battle of the Pelennor Fields (Advanced Resolution Surround)
34. The Pyre of Denethor (Advanced Resolution Surround)
35. The Mûmakil (Advanced Resolution Surround)
36. Dernhelm in Battle (Advanced Resolution Surround)
37. A Far Green Country (Advanced Resolution Surround)
38. Shieldmaiden of Rohan (Advanced Resolution Surround)
39. The Passing of Théoden (Advanced Resolution Surround)
40. The Houses of Healing (feat. Liv Tyler) [Advanced Resolution Surround]
41. The Tower of Cirith Ungol (Advanced Resolution Surround)
42. The Last Debate (feat. Sissel Performing "Asëa Aranion") [Advanced Resolution Surround]
43. The Land of Shadow (Advanced Resolution Surround)
44. The Mouth of Sauron (feat. Sir James Galway) [Advanced Resolution Surround]
45. For Frodo (feat. Ben del Maestro) [Advanced Resolution Surround]
46. Mount Doom (feat. Renée Fleming) [Advanced Resolution Surround]
47. The Crack of Doom (Advanced Resolution Surround)
48. The Eagles (feat. Renée Fleming) [Advanced Resolution Surround]
49. The Fellowship Reunited (feat. Sir James Galway, Viggo Mortensen and Renée Fleming) [Advanced Resolu
50. The Journey to the Grey Havens (feat. Sir James Galway) [Advanced Resolution Surround]
51. Elanor (feat. Sir James Galway) [Advanced Resolution Surround]
52. Days of the Ring (feat. Annie Lennox Performing "Into the West") [Advanced Resolution Surround]
53. Bilbo's Song (Advanced Resolution Surround)