本站提供 蓝光Blu-ray/HDTV 720P/1080P/2160P/4K 蓝光原盘 电影电视,硬盘代拷贝
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  • 原盘:原始蓝光光盘上拷贝,包含菜单﹑花絮等,电脑上需用ArcSoft TotalMedia Theater或PowerDVD播放才有字幕,高清播放机播放原盘或原盘ISO,请确保你的机子支持后再选,避免发生兼容性问题
  • REMUX:无损的提取出原盘的原始视频数据和音频数据,去除菜单﹑花絮和多余的音轨,封装到TS格式中,可能采用DVD提取的国粤语和其他音轨,画质与原盘没有差别
  • 蓝光RiP:对蓝光Blu-ray等介质的原始视频进行重编码,视频形式采用X264编码,音频采用原片音轨转码的AC3或DTS
  • WEB-DL:来源是各大视频网站,质量要比HDTV好,相比HDTV,无水印,无台标logo,无插播广告,所以无任何剪切较完整。
  • HDTV的片源是录制于高清电视,基本都有台标

原始片名Quanto Dura o Amor?
中文片名艰难的爱 (2009) 
类型剧情, 爱情
文件大小 18.51 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080p
音轨 葡萄牙语 DTS-HDMA 5.1
字幕 英文

◎译  名 艰难的爱 / 保利斯塔 / Paulista
◎片  名 Quanto Dura o Amor?
◎年  代 2009
◎产  地 巴西
◎类  别 剧情 / 爱情
◎语  言 葡萄牙语
◎上映日期 2009-10-02(巴西)
◎豆瓣链接 https://movie.douban.com/subject/5184891/
◎片  长 Brazil: 83 分钟
◎导  演 Roberto Moreira Roberto Moreira
◎演  员 埃尔顿·格瑞斯 / Ailton Graça
      马丽亚·曼诺埃拉 / Maria Manoella
      Melina Anthís Melina Anthís
      Maria Alice Vergueiro Maria Alice Vergueiro
      保罗·维列纳 / Paulo Vilhena
      Luciano Chirolli Luciano Chirolli
      Paulo Miklos Paulo Miklos
◎编  剧 Roberto Moreira Roberto Moreira
      安娜·穆拉尔特 / Anna Muylaert

◎简  介 

  A young woman dreams of making it in the big world of acting, leaving her boyfriend and her small town behind and moving to the bustle of Sao Paolo. She shares an apartment with an elegant lawyer, then at night frequents a bar at which she meets a beautiful singer with self-destructive tendencies, with whom she falls in love. Meanwhile, her roommate has begun an office romance with a handsome co-worker, and struggles with the difficulty of whether or not to reveal her secret past to him. This tender, extremely well-acted piece plays in a minor key and is never overwhelmingly impressive, but it goes down smooth and its unforced, unpretentious ending is thoroughly appreciable ...