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英文片名Paul McCartney: The Space Within US
中文片名演唱会 (2006) 
文件大小 39.13 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080i
文件格式 BDMV/VC-1
音轨 英语 LPCM 5.1
英语 LPCM 2.0
字幕 无字幕

The chance to see a living legend in the flesh doesn't come often, but in 2005 former Beatle Paul McCartney graced the U.S. with his presence and undertook a lengthy tour of the country. Fortunately, a full camera crew captured the highlights, and 'The Space Within Us' presents a mixture of songs from the tour, with Beatles songs and solo McCartney tracks all included. The title 'The Space Within Us' is a reference to the origins of this broadcast, which was first witnessed by astronauts aboard the Mir space station, who received this performance as a live feed. Now earthbound audiences can enjoy live versions of tracks such as "Yesterday," "Get Back," "Drive My Car," and a goosebump-inducing "Hey Jude."

01. Intro
02. Magical Mystery Tour
03. Flaming Pie
04. Let Me Roll It
05. Drive My Car
06. Till There Was You
07. I'll Get You
08. Eleanor Rigby
09. Maybe I'm Amazed
10. Got to Get You into My Life
11. Fine Line
12. I Will
13. I'll Follow the Sun
14. Good Day Sunshine
15. For No One
16. Hey Jude
17. Fixing a Hole
18. Penny Lane
19. Too Many People / She Came in Through the Bathroom Window
20. Let It Be
21. English Tea
22. I've Got a Feeling
23. Follow Me
24. Jenny Wren
25. Helter Skelter
26. Yesterday
27. Get Back
28. Please Please Me
29. Credits