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英文片名Canyon Passage
中文片名峡谷航道 (1946) 
类型剧情, 西部
文件大小 27.82 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080p
音轨 英语 DTS-HDMA 2.0
字幕 英文

◎译  名 峡谷航道
◎片  名 Canyon Passage
◎年  代 1946
◎产  地 美国
◎类  别 动作 / 爱情 / 西部
◎语  言 英语
◎上映日期 1946-08-07
◎豆瓣链接 https://movie.douban.com/subject/2347052/
◎片  长 92 分钟
◎导  演 雅克·特纳 / Jacques Tourneur
◎演  员 达纳·安德鲁斯 / Dana Andrews
      布莱恩·唐莱维 / Brian Donlevy
      苏珊·海沃德 / Susan Hayward
      沃德·邦德 / Ward Bond
      帕特里西亚·罗克 / Patricia Roc
      霍基·卡迈尔克 / Hoagy Carmichael
      Joseph P. Mack Joseph P. Mack
      弗朗西斯·麦克唐纳 / Francis McDonald
      威廉·考夫曼 / Willy Kaufman
      Jack Ingram Jack Ingram
      Sherry Hall Sherry Hall
      哈利韦尔·霍布斯 / Halliwell Hobbes
      Karl Hackett Karl Hackett
      彼得·惠特尼 / Peter Whitney
      拉尔夫·彼得斯 / Ralph Peters
      Wallace Scott Wallace Scott
      Gene Roth Gene Roth
      Jack Rockwell Jack Rockwell
      雷·蒂尔 / Ray Teal
      翁斯洛·史蒂文斯 / Onslow Stevens
      尤拉基耶酋长 / Chief Yowlachie
      桃乐茜·皮特森 / Dorothy Peterson
      Denny Devine Denny Devine
      菲·霍尔登 / Fay Holden
      安迪·德怀恩 / Andy Devine
      哈里·香农 / Harry Shannon
      杰伊·丝沃黑尔 / Jay Silverheels
      劳埃德·布里吉斯 / Lloyd Bridges
      斯坦利·里吉斯 / Stanley Ridges
      埃迪·邓恩 / Eddie Dunn
      罗丝·霍巴德 / Rose Hobart
      弗兰克·弗格森 / Frank Ferguson
      Tad Devine Tad Devine
      Jack Clifford Jack Clifford
      詹姆斯·卡德韦尔 / James Cardwell
      Victor Cutler Victor Cutler
      Harlan Briggs Harlan Briggs
      Chester Clute Chester Clute
      埃尔维利·阿尔德森 / Erville Alderson
      理查德·亚历山大 / Richard Alexander
      雷克斯·利斯 / Rex Lease
◎编  剧 厄内斯特·帕斯卡 / Ernest Pascal
      欧内斯特·海科克斯 / Ernest Haycox
◎制  片  人 亚历山大·高利思 / Alexander Golitzen
      沃尔特·万格 / Walter Wanger
◎音  乐 弗兰克·斯金纳 / Frank Skinner
◎摄  影 爱德华·克龙耶格尔 / Edward Cronjager
◎剪  辑 Milton Carruth Milton Carruth
◎美  术 Leigh Smith Leigh Smith
      约翰·B·古德曼 / John B. Goodman
      理查德·H·雷德尔 / Richard H. Riedel
      罗素·A·盖斯曼 / Russell A. Gausman
◎服  装 特拉维斯·班顿 / Travis Banton
◎化  妆 杰克 / P. 皮尔斯 Jack P. Pierce
      Carmen Dirigo Carmen Dirigo
◎副  导  演 Fred Frank Fred Frank

◎简  介 

  "Jacques Tourneur at work in color on Western landscapes is something to behold. The credits roll over a matte of a damp day in Portland (slanting rooftops, a ship’s half-seen mast, boards over a muddy street) that’s practically a Grafström, the Oregon Trail that follows is finely-drawn watercolor. The nascent commune of Jacksonville would be Fordian, except that Dana Andrews’ negation of piety ("A man can choose his own gods") and Andy Devine’s acknowledgement of Indian rights ("We’re on their land. They ain’t likely to forget that") challenge Manifest Destiny. Overlapping triangles -- Andrews-Susan Hayward-Patricia Roc, Andrews-Hayward-Brian Donlevy, Andrews-Roc-Victor Cutler, Hayward-Donlevy-Rose Hobart. Hoagy Carmichael with mandolin amid the ramblers and settlers is wastrel, commentator, mediator, and voyeur ("...a little store and lots of time"). The cabin-rising sequence tips its hat to Hathaway’s Trail of the Lonesome Pine, and was studied by Weir. The wedding bash celebrates wholeness but these are forces in tenuous balance, Donlevy voices Tourneur’s ambivalence ("The illusion of peace is upon it") moments before the Indians materialize via a single reverse shot that seems to introduce a parallel world. Another space-expanding reverse shot, this time embodying tensions from within rather than from without, takes place right before Andrews’ brawl with Ward Bond, cutting from a medium-shot of the two at the saloon counter to another revealing the townspeople in the wings, waiting for the spectacle. (The fight, remarkably bloody and ugly, hinges on the haunted image of the disoriented Bond smashing his fist into a wooden pole. Hayward sits with the cheering crowd.) A film of "thin margins": The saloon doubles as a hanging courtroom, the garden becomes an inferno. The view of a dazed Roc wandering in the woods after the slaughter is from I Walked with a Zombie, and finds its way into Demme’s Beloved; Stars in My Crown revisits the territory with hope for harmony, but Wichita and Great Day in the Morning know better."


  第19届奥斯卡金像奖 (1947)
  最佳原创歌曲(提名) 杰克·布鲁克斯,霍基·卡迈尔克