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英文片名Gary Moore and Friends: One Night In Dublin - A Tribute To Phil Lynott
中文片名演唱会 (2005) 
文件大小 20.98 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080i
音轨 英语 DTS-HDMA 5.1
英语 AC3 5.1
英语 LPCM 2.0
字幕 无字幕

On August 19th, 2005, on what would have been the eve of his 56th birthday, a statue of Phil Lynott was unveiled in Dublin's Grafton Street by his mother. There to witness the event were members of Thin Lizzy from throughout the band's career. Later that evening they joined forces under the leadership of Gary Moore for a concert that paid tribute to Lynott's memory. The core band of Moore, Jethro Tull bass player Jonathan Noyce and Thin Lizzy's one and only drummer, Brian Downey were joined by the stellar guitar talents of Brian Robertson, Scott Gorham and Eric Bell for a set of Lizzy and Gary Moore classics.


1. Walking By Myself
2. Jailbreak
3. Don't Believe A Word
4. Emerald
5. Still In Love With You
6. Black Rose
7. Cowboy Song
8. The Boys Are Back In Town
9. Whiskey In The Jar
10.Old Town
11. Parisienne Walkways