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英文片名Die Stadt ohne Juden
原始片名Die Stadt ohne Juden
中文片名没有犹太人的城市 (1924) 
文件大小 19.96 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080p
音轨 DTS-HDMA 2.0
字幕 英文

◎译  名 没有犹太人的城市 / The City Without Jews
◎片  名 Die Stadt ohne Juden
◎年  代 1924
◎产  地 奥地利
◎类  别 剧情
◎语  言 silent
◎上映日期 1924
◎豆瓣链接 https://movie.douban.com/subject/3602960/
◎片  长 Austria: 80 分钟 / USA: 80 分钟
◎导  演 H·K·布雷斯劳尔 / H.K. Breslauer
◎演  员 约翰内斯·里曼 / Johannes Riemann
      Armin Berg Armin Berg
      Leopold Strassmeyer Leopold Strassmeyer
      Gisela Werbisek Gisela Werbisek
      Eugen Neufeld Eugen Neufeld
      Ferdinand Mayerhofer Ferdinand Mayerhofer
      Anny Miletty Anny Miletty
      Mizi Griebl Mizi Griebl
      汉斯·莫泽尔 / Hans Moser
      Hans Effenberger Hans Effenberger
◎编  剧 胡戈·贝陶尔 / Hugo Bettauer
      H·K·布雷斯劳尔 / H.K. Breslauer
◎音  乐  Gerhard Gruber
◎美  术 Julius von Borsody Julius von Borsody

◎简  介 

  This movie is more or less a document about a book (Die Stadt ohne Juden) from Hugo Bettauer. As a movie itself it shows the typical problems of a film industry in Vienna in the beginning of the 20's. The legendary Republic of Utopia. Address: Ballhausplatz in Vienna. There is troble. The workers are going out in the streets, the money has lost all its value. In the pubs the people already know the solution: The jews have to be expelled... Die Stadt ohne Juden (The City without Jews) is based on the 1922 novel by Hugo Bettauer. In this novel he dealt with the consequences of the rising antisemitism in a satircial way.
  It is on a meta level a great pleasure. A lot of very interesting people and locations. In the historical context the movie is one of the most interesting documents we have in the movie history of central Europe. It shows that people had an idea what there future would like to be. The most interesting part is the vision of a Vienna without an important minority. It seems like a vary of stereotypes but its a fact that some visions turned into real.