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英文片名Devin Townsend: Lightwork
中文片名 (2022) 
文件大小 14.63 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080i
音轨 英语 DTS-HDMA 5.1
字幕 无字幕

Title: Devin Townsend, 'Lightwork', (11/4/2022), Review
Date Published: December 15, 2022 (United Kingdom)
IMDB Rating:
IMDB Link: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt26168392/


After a few exceptionally long years full of personal change and near manic
levels of creative activity, Canadian musician Devin Townsend releases his follow
up to 2019 s well received Empath in the form of his new release: Lightwork

Assembled from a barrage of material written during the pandemic, Lightwork (and
its companion album of B-sides and demos; Nightwork ) represents Devin at this stage
of his life, post pandemic, and his reflections on what he (and many of us) all gone through

For Lightwork, Devin decided to see what would happen if he included a producer (an experiment
he has been excited to attempt for some time) to help guide this selection of material

He chose long-time friend GGGarth (Richardson) to help bring this idea to fruition, and through
a difficult (but wonderful) process, the next Devin album have been delivered

The name Lightwork represents the music, as well as the act of creating music, as a kind
of light in the dark while trying to navigate the seemingly endless challenges that life
can often present. When things seem like there s no way out or that a situation becomes
seemingly insurmountable, the connection to music, family, and creativity became a light in
the dark that ended up in this wonderful album

Hey all  this is Devin. Welcome to my newest album Lightwork The last few years have been
a lot, and this is the music that I wrote during that time

In essence, Lightwork is a bit more of a song oriented album. A bit more direct and simpler
than a lot of what I ve been doing lately. After Empath and The Puzzle , things kind of swung
back in the direction of more traditional arrangements for Lightwork

Lyrically, It kind of hints at the struggles of the last few years but with an eye on putting
the pieces back together again

We chose Moonpeople as the first of three video releases from this project, The three videos
share a theme, so I think that ll work

Moonpeople is the first song on Lightwork and acts as a sort of mission statement for the album
Post pandemic kids are now teens 50 years old, who am I now? Beyond any platitudes or delusions
who am I now that the smoke is clearing and what do I want to do, and who do I want to be, moving

The term Moonpeople in my mind, refers to those in society that kind of watch things rather
than being directly involved in it. Maybe the Moonpeople are more introverted rather than extroverted?
In any case, it functions as a song on the album that will set the stage for the dynamic nature of the
material that follows it